CBD Now is a digital-only bank that gives users access to the traditional banking services through its mobile application. “Our mobile banking app lets you do everything you can do in a branch, except you don’t even have to leave your sofa. You do your banking on your mobile, wherever you are, at whatever time, and it’s all instant,” – says the company. The products offered by the company include debit cards and credit cards, local and international money transfers, bill payments, Visa Checkout online payments, money management tools and much more. The money management tools offered by the company help the users stay on top of their spending habits by providing the ability to set a budget, track the budget, set up bill reminders and get instant notifications for inflows and outflows of funds from the account.
CBD Now digital bank types of accounts
CBD Now offers several kinds of accounts that might be suitable for different types of users. Live Now Account does not have any minimum balance requirements and comes with a debit card that is delivered to the customer’s doorstep in a matter of 24 hours. This account also comes with special offers. The Salary Transfer Benefit means that if the user transfers their salary, they get one free international remittance a month. The Save Now Account is a better option for those who want to save, as the name suggests. For this account type, the savers can enjoy a 1.75% p.a. interest rate on the savings. Furthermore, the users can add and withdraw funds from their account whenever they desire. In addition to these two, there is also a Current Account, which comes with a free MasterCard Platinum Card and automatically enrolls the user into the CBD Loyalty program. “This account is offered to customers having salary (5K to 9.99K). For the customers who are having salary more than 10K can avail Live NOW Account and enjoy more benefits,” – the company clarifies.

CBD Now additional benefits and bonuses
CBD Now also has many Special Offers that differentiate its services from the others on the market. The “Free banking until 2020” offer means that the users of the digital bank get free local and international transfers, free ATM withdrawals in the UAE, free cheque books and more benefits until 2020. This is applied to those customers who transfer their salaries. For such clients, there is also a lottery that awards lucky users two times their salary. ‘100s of free discounts’ are also waiting for the customers of the CBD Now digital bank. These are discounts on various products and services in Dining, Entertainment, Wellness and Lifestyle that is achieved through the partnership with Traveller.