What could Miley Cyrus possibly have in common with loonies?

NEW YORK (Forex News Now) – American teen pop sensation Miley Cyrus skyrocketed to the heights of fame on the back of her performance as Miley Stewart / Hannah Montana – and not because of her similarity to the Canadian dollar.
But perhaps the 17-year-old should be equally famous for her hitherto unknown – or at least unnoticed – connection to Canada’s currency, known affectionately by FX traders as the “loonie.”
Yes, this seems strange; no, it is not crazy talk – and this attempt to draw a connection between the pair is certainly not the result of an 8-hour binge on maple syrup, online FX trading and Hannah Montana videos.
It is really quite simple: Throughout her short career, Cyrus has made much of the two characters she portrays in the show – an average teenage girl by day, and a pop singer by night.
This double identity spilled out beyond the small screen into her real life, with the singer performing as both herself and as the Montana character (in a similar way to Eminem and his Slim Shady persona – although without the references to gory violence and other themes for which the rapper’s lyrics have become famous.)
The loonie, for its part, also lives a double life of sorts: By day it is a resources-linked currency, heavily influenced by the movement of commodities in currency market trading; but by night, the Canadian dollar is also the currency of a highly advanced economy, no less so that Canada’s southern neighbor – the United States.
Of late, Cyrus has shown signs of seeking to augment her non-Montana side with more of the trappings of adulthood: she was spotted recently tearing up a Paris dancefloor while dressed in ripped stockings – a far cry from earlier looks she has cultivated.
The question is, will the loonie follow suit and don the FX rate equivalent of ripped stockings and shake up realtime forex news forever? Only time will tell.
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